Welcome to

 Mike & Deb Country Line Dancing


At Mike & Deb Country Line Dancing, we teach line dancing to mostly country music but we also teach dances to other genres as well.  We mostly teach at the Knights of Columbus in Pequannock, New Jersey in northeast Morris county.

Line dancing is a good excercise for the body and the mind.  It can be done without a partner and you will meet many other dancers who you may become friends with. We welcome new dancers as well as experienced line & partner dancers.  If you are new and come to a class, it is best if you dance in the middle of the floor so that as the dance moves to a new wall, you have someone in front of you to follow. The majority of dances are 32 counts which repeat and will face all 4 walls during the song. Check out the links to many of the dances that we do below.

Our Regular Dance Nights at the Knights of Columbus, 84 Lincoln Park Rd. in Pequannock, NJ

Mondays, 7 - 10 PM. Beginner/improver lessons from 7 - 7:30 PM and open dance with DJ Dee from 7:30 until 10:00 PM

Thursdays, 7 - 9 PM. Beginner lessons from 7 - 8 PM and improver lessons from 8 - 9 PM

We also have line & partner dancing on one Friday or Saturday per month from 7 - 11 PM with DJ Mike Mac B. and line dancing on some Sunday afternoons

All dances are $10 except for special events.